Naturally Fresh Deodorant Crystals Review
Ok, disclaimer, I have tried natural deodorants before and I'm not a fan. I'm the kind of gal who sweats a LOT and need clinical strength anti-perspirants. However, that being said, I thought I would try a different brand and give it a shot. I contacted Naturally Fresh and they sent me these full sized products to try.
Both of these are Hypoallergenic, fragrance free, Paraben/PG free & no Aluminum Chlorohydrate. After reading these are fragrance free, I was curious as to HOW it actually deodorizes.....
Spray Mist
The first is the Spray Mist. This is a clear spray that you just spritz under your arms. It dried fast and after a few hours, I was sweating again. I smelled. It didn't work for me.
The other is the Roll-on deodorant. This one has a roller ball applicator that you just roll right on to your under arms. It is very wet. It took a while to actually dry. When it finally dried, I did not. I was still perspiring and it didn't really deodorize me. I stunk. I could still smell me.
Overall, if you prefer natural deodorants, try it! It might work for you. It didn't work for me, but I'm a person who doesn't normally use these types of products.
Buy it here:
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